Project Description

Lamps & LEDs


Despite all advancements in producing bulbs and lamps, since production capacity is not enough to answer the total demand in the market Iran still needs to import lights, LED bulbs, their fittings, parts, etc.


High efficiency, long useful life, using very low voltages, with no radiation of ultraviolet and infrared rays, LED bulbs are surpassing other kinds of lamps in the markets very rapidly. So that, in recent years more than 50% of bulbs in the market have been replaced with LEDs.


There is only one company in Iran which produces this kind of lamp with a capacity of 3,000 lamps and 40,000 LED power in a day. However, the company imports needed raw materials from Germany, China, United States, and Taiwan.


More than 20% of generated power in Iran is used for lighting purposes. Costly process of electricity generation in the country, calls for replacing high-consumption light bulbs with low-consumption ones. Offering subsidies, public plans, and social advertising have convinced most of the population to start using low-consumption lamps.


Lacking in technology and raw materials, technology providers and raw material suppliers would certainly welcome to the market. However, as the market is moving toward utilizing low-consumption lamps and LEDs, related suppliers can enter except they could compete with domestic producers in price and quality.

Purchase Report

If you need more information in this industry we can provide you with a report including the following sections:

  1. Country Overview
  2. Market Highlights
  3. Market Influencers (including market drivers and trends)
  4. Supply Chain (company profile and product portfolio of key players)
  5. SWOT Analysis (strengthens, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
  6. Future Projection
  7. Conclusion

This report gives you a general overview of the industry and the list of top producers and distributors in the market. It provides a deep understanding the significant market shortages and the best opportunities in this industry. Besides, the report will inform you about the key influencers in the market, current trends, and future outlook.

ReportLamps & LEDs
CategoryConsumer & Industrial Products
Prepared byIranPartner Market Research Team
EditionQ1 2017
Price800 Euros
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Purchase Industry’s Key Players Directory

If you only need the contact details of Iranian companies active in your industry, you can purchase our industry-specific directory. The directory includes:

  1. List of 20-300 Companies, based on the industry
  2. Company Name
  3. Company Address
  4. Contact Person
  5. Telephone
  6. Email
  7. Website, if any

This list enables you to directly get in touch with potential Iranian buyers/partners and kick-start your negotiations in Iran. Before we send the directory to you, we contact these companies and check the contact information of every single company on the directory and make sure we provide fresh and accurate data to you.

DeliverableLamps & LEDs Company Directory
CategoryConsumer & Industrial Products
Prepared byIranPartner Market Research Team
Price400-900 Euros, based on the industry
Order Directory

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